C4 highlights show 29th June

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That’s the end of the show tonight. Sorry I didn’t get an evening  blog out today. I had to nip to hospital so I didn’t have time but I’ll do my best to make the morning’s blog as comprehensive as possible Goodnight, Lynn

12.02am – Jen tells Kat that Bex isn’t malicious. Dale and Rebecca are talking in the luxury bedroom. She says I’m allowed an opinion on who I want to win. Dale says he’s surprised at Darnell’s behaviour. Mario and Mikey are back in jail making their beds. Rex is in the diary room telling BB that he thinks some people aren’t willing to get on together and there’s an argument every day. He says a lot of people have had enough. He says that Bex seems to want to argue as does Jen. Dale will react to anything Jen says and it’s those 3 who cause rows. He says Luke likes to spread gossip. It’s becoming unbearable Rex says.

11.03pm – Mikey and Mario are going out of jail for an exercise break. In the house, Stu and Jen notice they have sunburn. Darnell and Kat are talking in the bedroom and he tells Kat they’ll hang out and do what things suit them to do. Bex comes in and says to Kat can I speak to you. She says earlier on your said that ‘I hope the public will help me have a good time in here’ Do you mean me? Bex asks. Kat says no, I just want happiness in the house. Bex says I want to have fun too but when people are saying things that upset people it spoils it. Darnell says why are you saying this now? Darnell says to Bex ‘you just don’t want a happy house’. Bex denies it. Darnell says that he’s around everyone and unlike Luke he doesn’t gossip between groups. He says that Bex and Jen’s group talk bulls***. He says that Bex and Jen have been talking about the boring people. Darnell says everyone had their thing, Kat has her cookies, you have your tits… He says you said Kat doesn’t deserve to win BB so Bex then gets very angry with him and Kat cries. She says ‘you stir things up Darnell’. They are shouting at each other. Bex says I thought I could trust you but obviously not. They continue to argue as Kat gets more upset. Bex says I’m allowed my opinion and I’m going to say it if I want to. Darnell says you guys cross the line because you say that if people don’t bitch, you don’t like it. Kat leaves the bedroom. Mario, Lisa and Rachel try to comfort Kat. She’s very upset. Darnell tells Bex it’s pointless talking about this. He tells Bex just don’t bother with me. Act like I’m not here he says. Bex leaves the bedroom and Darnell goes to sit on the bed.

9.15pm – Mario tells Mikey that Luke has his finger on the pulse and he is a chameleon. He’ll go with the flow Mario says. Darnell is saying that everyone’s close to saying personal stuff about people. He says nobody should say anything super negative. Rachel tells Kat don’t be down, stay happy. Kat says she doesn’t like all the negativity and arguments. Rachel says some people don’t have much tolerance. Kat says she needs to bring herself down so she doesn’t upset others. Break coming on now, back soon

8.50pm – Darnell tells Dale he needs a ‘release’ while they play hula hoop. Mario and Mikey are still in jail. Mario says Rachel is very articulate and can stand up for herself when she needs to. Jen, Bex, Stu and Rachel are talking in the bedroom. Rachel says that Bex shouldn’t have said she doesn’t want a happy house. Stu says it’s not a personal attack. Bex tells Rachel that Rex is annoying her. She says she doesn’t want to bum lick and she doesn’t want to run around being happy. Bex says she wants to have a good time.

7.37pm – Mario and Mikey are on an exercise break from jail. Mikey and Stu are singing Walk The Line. Luke is talking to Kat about cookies. Bex tried one and Rex said ‘leave them alone they aren’t already done’ He says, ‘I don’t think you need them Bex’. Bex says they aren’t very nice. Luke tells Kat not to sing happy house. Bex yells ‘no’ . Darnell sings it too and Kat sings even louder. Bex screams loudly. She walks away. She says she likes Kat but not ‘the pri** sitting next to you’ Bex tells Dale that Rex called her all the names under the sun and that she’s the size of a hippo. Kat goes to the diary room. She’s taken the large cookies in with her. She says Rex is her cookie rescue hero. In the bathroom Bex is telling Stu what Rex said. She gets angry and screams and swears. Lisa and Rex come into the bathroom. Bex tells Rex that she can’t stand him. He laughs as does Lisa. Jen says to Rex that he’s a chauvinist and shallow. Kat tells BB about the lemonade situation and Luke hiding it. She says her comment didn’t make Mikey very happy. In the bathroom, Jen says all this happy sh** is annoying her. Bex says it’s driving her mad. Bex says she wants Luke to win but she thinks Kat will.

6.51pm – Mario and Mikey are in the jail for talking about nominations. Kat and Rex are making cookies. Bex and Jen are talking about Rachel. They are gossiping about her and Jen says she’s not being who she really is. She’s a robot. Rebecca says not everything is this great all the time. In the kitchen Rachel asks Luke how to make cookies. Rex has made one enormous cookie for Kat. Bex says she wouldn’t want to be there if Luke wasn’t there. Jen tells him they are talking about Rachel and the falseness. They mimic her voice. Rebecca says she’s so bored with them. Jen says she didn’t think it would be the happy Walton’s. Luke says the obnoxious niceness has to end. Break on now, back soon

3.48pm – Luke gets some lemonade out of the wardrobe and gives some to Mikey. Kat says why is he hiding it when he was angry about the custard creams being hidden. Luke says he had to hide it or else all the alcohol drinkers would have used it. Mikey says £26 was on alcohol and £4 on lemonade. Luke says we only had 7 bottles of lemonade. Kat says two wrongs won’t make a right. She says she won’t tell anyone. Luke says she will, she’ll tell Rachel and Rachel will tell everyone else. Kat says she thinks ‘very low’ about her and it makes her sad. Kat says that he’s been around negative people too much.

3.02pm – Lisa mentions Mario’s big toe and he says ‘you’ve sucked it enough times’ and everyone else groans. Kat says that the atmosphere is better in the house today since certain people left. Mikey is in the diary room and says the three main baddies have now gone. But there’s one person who remains – that’s Jen. He says he likes her ski slope nose. He says she holds the key to the house because she’s apparently nice looking and dressed up as office totty the other day. Mikey says he wishes he had his sight back for that.

2.34pm – Luke has had a shower and Bex is talking to him in the bathroom. Rachel tells Lisa she should be a model. Lisa says she’s tried to but something always goes wrong but she did help a friend out by modelling for her charity. Rachel says she’d a good model. Lisa talks about anorexic and bulimic models and then about how her body changed when she did weight training.

1.01pm – Lisa is lifting Rachel on her back. Darnell is in the bathroom and he pulls Bex into the bath. She’s fully clothed. She screams. Darnell says he had a lot of fun. Rex tells Mo if you want to lose weight, stop eating ice cream for lunch. Rebecca sits on Luke in the bedroom getting him wet too. He says she’s a nasty beast. Rebecca then undresses in front of Luke. Rebecca slaps him with her wet underwear. Luke leaves the bedroom and goes to ask Darnell if he put her in the bath. He says ‘she’s all yours for the weekend. Take one for the team Darnell’. Rebecca goes and tips a glass of water over Luke while he’s lying on the sofa. He tells her he hates her while she laughs. He tells Kat what Bex just did and she says ‘how lovely’

12.42pm – Darnell is singing cookie love and Kat is joining in. Luke is in the diary room. He says he’s concerned about what’s going on because Darnell was in the luxury bedroom last night. He was corrupted by the furry side says Luke. He says there will be a slumber party tonight – Rachel suggested it Luke says. He says Rachel doesn’t have an opinion or an idea on anything. He says that Rachel sits on the fence all the time. Other people have opinions but Rachel and Kat sit on the fence. Break coming on now, back soon

11.32am – Housemates are cleaning and BB is playing classical music into the house. Mikey and Mario are dancing in the garden. Jen and Luke are in the bathroom talking about Rachel. Luke says he thinks Kat is two faced and Jen thinks Rachel has a dark side. Jen says there’s a huge gap in the house now Dennis and Sylvia have gone. She says it’ll be like the Walton’s in there now. She says she wants to be in an environment where people speak their mind. Luke says they must watch their backs.

Day 24, 9.35am – Last night Sylvia was evicted. An alarm is playing into the house. Last night, Darnell slept in a bed with Dale in the luxury bedroom. Luke tells Mikey he doesn’t know what’s going on – Darnell slept in the luxury room. He vowed never to leave B Block says Luke. Mikey says it just proves you can’t believe a word the guy says. Luke says that’s very true. He goes into the bedroom and asks Darnell what happened to him. Darnell says he had to go behind enemy lines and under cover.


Hi all, please do join me here live at 9pm for live coverage of the C4 highlights show.

Bye for now!


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6 Responses to C4 highlights show 29th June

  1. Sati Marie says:

    Hospital again? Oh dear…I hope you\’re OK.
    Bex really likes to exaggerate, doesn\’t she? Not once did Rex say anything about her size, the only thing that was even close was the "you don\’t need those" comment, which could have meant half a dozen things. Sometimes I think she just makes stuff up on the spot, and then she says it enough times that she convinces herself it really happened.
    I bet Darnell will try and make things up with her, though, since that\’s just the kind of person he is. *sighs*
    I have a big crush on him now, LOL 🙂

  2. Unknown says:

    I read somewhere that Rebbecca  is a nursery nurse?? I hope her employers and the parents of the children in her care have been watching BB. Will they really want somebody who\’s claim to fame is drunken vomiting/flashing her bits/foul language/bitching about people who are nice/childish nastiness etc etc etc because I wouldn\’t. I really can\’t watch her for much longer she is just disgusting. Jen just lays on a bed/sofa/sun lounger and moans that everybody is not being themselves. How does she know???  Because she\’s bitchy/spiteful/self absorbed/attention seeking/this could go on for ages, does she really think that everybody else is? I hope Jen goes first then Bex will only have Luke to play with because she won\’t have any friends left.
    Lynn as this is your last day I feel like we should have had a metaphorical whip round with you buying the creams buns, make mine an eclair. You\’ll have to stop all these trips to the hospital they\’re not good for your health!! Take care x

  3. donnatella says:

    Yes Patricia, Rebecca is or should I say was a nursery nurse and if you read the media in Coventry, you\’d think she was the most innocent, purest and kind hearted person. They were even proud that she was the first to  get her knockers out. I see her as a leech in BB, sucking onto anything that feeds her desire to get attention.  Luke\’s verbal outburst at Kat over the lemonade was just WRONG!!!!

  4. Natalie says:

    Its so weird as one leaves the house another takes over, Iv never noticed that in other BB`s.
    Becky would say boo to a goose a couple of weeks ago…now all of a sudden she`s the next
    nutter!! Its like one leaves the house and BB tells the next person too start playing up! I think i want
    her out more then Jen, and i very much doubt Becky has a job to go to when she gets out. The NSPCC
    would end up being involved.
    Wish ya better Lynn

  5. David says:

    Great Blog Lynn, as ever – we\’ll miss your write-ups.
    Now I am not liking Dale, Jen, Bex and Luke for obvious reasons. With Jen and Bex I agree with almost all the comments, but hope Jen is out next as that would isolate Bex and she might see the error of her ways. She is quite a weak character who fastened herself onto the side of the bitchy group, now she is panicking as she sees that they will be out one-by-one and she wants to create a \’fun-loving\’ image before its her turn.
    Darnell has really come into his own in the last few days – makes a lot of sense and hasn\’t been hypocritical as I can see. Think Rex has shown his strength of mind too. Liking – Darnell, Rex, Mo, Mario, Kat and Rachel. Will be ineteresting to see how the other characters develop once the destructive element has gone.

  6. C says:

    Bex is a disgusting backstabbing slob!!! GET HER OUT !
    Jennifer loves the bitching and fights GET HER OUT !!!!

    There is bitch fake people group (Jen etc) Vs Nice people group (Darnell,Mo,Mario etc)

    Get the crap people out!!!

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